

I invite anyone who is considering a relationship with Liz Mastrangelo Writing Coach to join me for a free phone call or Zoom call (15-30 minutes) to discuss the student's -- and the family's -- goals, needs, questions, and concerns. We want to make sure that our expectations and our temperaments are a good match!



Zoom: $175/hr
In-Person (Areas within 20 miles of Lynnfield, MA): $190/hr
In-Person (Areas 21-30 miles outside of Lynnfield, MA): $205/hr

Please contact me for pricing if your student is a resident of Lynnfield, MA.

This service includes a Zoom or in-person session of 60 or 90 minutes, as well as in-line and big-picture remote editing support for essay drafts in between meetings. Within reason, and when possible, I strive to provide last-minute guidance on writing projects before final due dates. I can also prepare supplemental or enrichment lessons and activities for each session.




  • Up to 120 minutes of meeting via Zoom per week
  • Written feedback on school writing assignments and projects in between live sessions
  • Guidance on research and oral presentations
  • Enrichment activities and practice exercises, as desired
  • Ongoing communication to keep the student organized, prepared, and on track



I assist with the main personal statement (usually the 650-word Common Application Essay), any and all supplemental essays for individual colleges and universities, honors college essays, and scholarship essays.

Zoom: $165/hr
In-Person (Areas within 20 miles of Lynnfield, MA): $180/hr
In-Person (Areas 21-30 miles outside of Lynnfield, MA): $195/hr

Please contact me for pricing if your student is a resident of Lynnfield, MA.

This service includes a Zoom or in-person session of 60, 90, or 120 minutes, access to college essay-writing resources such as tips and tricks, activity sheets, and graphic organizers, and supportive communication and guidance via email and text between Zoom meetings, as desired.

  • Because the final weeks before a college application due date can require an increase in the number and length of sessions for all of my clients, time is more precious! I will request an additional $20 per hour for a coaching relationship that begins within three weeks prior to either the student's earliest self-imposed application deadline or the earliest official college application deadline -- whichever situation applies.

(New Students and Transfer Students)

I assist with the main personal statement (usually a 500-word essay), short-answer prompts, and scholarship essays.

Zoom: $165/hr
In-Person (Areas within 20 miles of Lynnfield, MA): $180/hr
In-Person (Areas 21-30 miles outside of Lynnfield, MA): $195/hr

Please contact me for pricing if your student is a resident of Lynnfield, MA.

This service includes an in-person or Zoom session of 60 or 90 minutes, access to personal-narrative-writing resources such as tips and tricks, activity sheets, and graphic organizers, and supportive communication and guidance via email and text between meetings, as desired.

  • Because the final weeks before a private school application due date can require an increase in the number and length of sessions for all of my clients, time is more precious! I will request an additional $20 per hour for a coaching relationship that begins within three weeks prior to either the student's earliest self-imposed application deadline or the earliest official private school application deadline -- whichever situation applies.


Each Long Essay (650-800 words)
$75/first round of feedback
$65/second round
$50/each following round
$50/final edit to word-count limit

Each Mid-Length Essay (400-500 words)
$60/first round of feedback
$50/second round
$40/each following round
$40/final edit to word-count limit

Each Short Essay (250-300 words)
$50/first round of feedback
$40/second round
$30/each following round
$30/final edit to word-count limit

Each Short Essay (150-200 words)
$40/first round of feedback
$30/second round
$20/each following round
$20/final edit to word-count limit

Each Short Essay (50-100 words)
$25/first round of feedback
$15/second round
$10/each following round
$10/final edit to word-count limit

This service includes extensive in-line and big-picture written feedback on college essay drafts via the Microsoft Word Track Changes and Comment features or Google Doc Suggesting and Comment features. I can also perform a careful and efficient final edit to bring an essay's word count to the required limit.

I must ask for an additional $10 per draft stage for editing requests that come in within three weeks prior to either the student's earliest self-imposed application deadline or the earliest official college application/private school application deadline -- whichever situation applies.

In addition, when possible, please allow me at least 48 hours to provide your student with feedback for each round. I will do my best to comply with requests for turnarounds within 24 hours, but I cannot guarantee my ability to do so.


This service includes a combination of live coaching via Zoom or in-person sessions and remote editing. For example, you may decide that after a face-to-face brainstorming session, you are ready to delve into draft-writing on your own. At that point, we would switch our method to fully remote essay editing.

Pricing will vary depending on the details of our hybrid coaching relationship.



Novel Manuscript Consultation
Before you seek detailed developmental editing, copyediting, or proofreading, you might want a “big-picture” assessment of your draft. With this service, I read your manuscript, or a portion of it, and evaluate the integrity of your story’s opening and/or ending, plot structure, tension, point-of-view consistency, character desire and development, stakes, dialogue, and world-building. While I might add occasional comments to individual pages in your manuscript, my priority will be writing a report of 2-6 pages in which I address the strengths and weaknesses of your novel in its current stage. Once you have received this manuscript consultation, you may want to take time to revise your draft, and then return for a round of more intricate developmental editing.

$.0075 per word

(Ex. → 70,000-word manuscript = $525)

If you so desire, we can also arrange a 45-minute Zoom conference to discuss the written report and any questions you may have. This Zoom call is included in the Manuscript Consultation fee.

Novel Manuscript Developmental Editing
Whether you prefer to engage in the Manuscript Consultation first or delve straight into Developmental Editing, in this approach, I offer page-by-page feedback on your novel draft regarding the opening and/or ending, plot structure, tension, point-of-view, character desire and development, stakes, dialogue, and world-building. As I read your novel, I identify moments that need re-consideration, revision, or enhancement. I also point out compelling craft choices that you have made. Using the Comments and Suggestions features in Google Docs, or the Track Changes and Comments features in Microsoft Word, I offer my reaction to these moments, pose questions about them, and present prescriptive suggestions for their adjustment.

$.02 per word

(Ex. → 70,000-word manuscript = $1400)

If you so desire, we can also arrange a 45-minute Zoom conference to discuss the written report and any questions you may have. This Zoom call is included in the Developmental Editing fee.​

Novel Manuscript Copyediting

In copyediting your manuscript, I ensure that every line of your story maintains voice consistency, syntactical smoothness, and grammatical cleanliness. This process might also include curbing repetition in vocabulary or phrasing, fact-checking, and confirming that character and setting descriptions stay true to their own identities throughout the novel. Do you write “healthcare” as one word on certain pages, but “health care” on others? I will catch and correct errors such as this one. The purpose of copyediting is to take tender care of language and its effect on a sentence-by-sentence level.

$.015 per word

(Ex. → 70,000-word manuscript = $1050)

If you so desire, we can also arrange a 45-minute Zoom conference to discuss the written report and any questions you may have. This Zoom call is included in the Copyediting fee.

Novel Manuscript Proofreading

Proofreading is the final stage of the manuscript-editing process. As your proofreader, I will scour your novel draft for errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, spacing, and formatting, and remedy them.

$.005 per word

(Ex. → 70,000-word manuscript = $350)


I provide in-line and big-picture editing for the following writing genres.

  • Nonfiction essays
  • Graduate and doctoral program personal statements
  • Speeches
  • Emails
  • Letters
  • Blog posts
  • Website copy
  • White papers
  • Journal articles

Depending on the scope and length of your writing project, and how much consulting, editing, and revising you desire, I can offer you a pricing estimate that takes into account your particular needs.

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

― Anais Nin

Liz Mastrangelo Writing Coach

1 Pocahontas Way
Lynnfield, MA 01940



All Content © Liz Mastrangelo 2024