Why Hire a Writing Coach?

The benefits extend well beyond the hours of collaboration.

More confidence. Less stress. Stronger writing.

Writing can be an anxiety-inducing experience, as every word we choose reveals our vulnerability. Did we ever learn the difference between “its” and “it’s” or “there” and “their”? Do we know enough vocabulary to articulate our ideas clearly and powerfully? Can we move a reader to tears, anger, or action, simply by arranging sentences in a particular order?

In addition, we often write to gain the approval of someone who has the authority to reject us: an English teacher, a college admission counselor, a poetry-contest judge, a potential employer. The prospect of not writing well can burden us with insecurity, despite our ability to solve a calculus problem in seconds or send a room into side-splitting laughter with our comedic timing. Every one of us has gifts to share, natural talents that require little effort to exercise. But other skills require time and practice (and perhaps a healthy dose of discomfort!) for us to master. We could venture into a foreign landscape of learning without direction or company, but eventually, we might find ourselves feeling stuck, discouraged, or lonely.

Just as a parent might hire a private baseball coach to help their child with pitching technique or base-stealing strategy, high-school and college students, budding short-story writers and novelists, and business professionals reach out to coaches for support with writing.

My goal as a writing coach is to alleviate my clients' feelings of creative immobility and uncertainty. I help them to transform moments that seem overwhelming into manageable steps and achievable victories. I lift the spirits of developing, underconfident, and even strong writers by affirming the value of the ideas they want to convey and by assisting them in capturing those ideas with precise, compelling, and authentic expression. This authenticity element is key! An person's writing should reflect the special sound and cadence of their individual experiences, values, and voice.

So, as a student or adult seeking writing assistance, what can you gain from hiring a writing coach?

  • Reassurance that you will not be alone in tackling a writing project
  • The promise of a timeline and check-ins to keep you on track
  • Increased confidence in your thinking and writing abilities
  • An experienced writer-mentor to respond compassionately to your concerns and questions
  • A cheerleader who recognizes your particular writing strengths and encourages you to use them
  • A safe forum in which to experiment with writing approaches and styles
  • Custom exercises to prompt you to produce quality content
  • Professional brainstorming, editing, and proofreading advice
  • A reduction in stress
  • A sense of ownership over and pride in your completed writing project
  • Enhanced knowledge of storytelling and persuasive techniques, grammatical conventions, and organizational tactics
  • The desire to KEEP WRITING!

Contact me to set up an introductory Zoom call. We can discuss your writing goals and the best way to achieve them!

Liz Mastrangelo

Liz Mastrangelo

  • MEd
  • MA in English
  • MFA in Creative Writing
  • English and Creative Writing Teacher of 24 years
  • Published Author of Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry
  • Ghostwriter, Copywriter, and Editor
  • Independent College Essay Coach and College Essay Coach for Falcon College Advising, North Reading, MA

Liz Mastrangelo Writing Coach

1 Pocahontas Way
Lynnfield, MA 01940



All Content © Liz Mastrangelo 2024